Own The Pitch

Supporting the UK Ambulance Services


Buying plots

  • How big is a plot? 2.1 X 1.36 M (7’ 0” X 4’ 6”) approx
  • How many plots are there 2500
  • Can I buy plots on my mobile, tablet or laptop? Yes
  • Can I choose more than one plot? Yes, up to a maximum total value of £2000
  • Is there a maximum number of plots I can buy? You may buy any number of plots up to a value of £2000
  • Can I buy several plots next to each other? Yes
  • How long do I own my plot for? For the remainder of the season from when you buy
  • How can I tell where my plot is on the pitch? Go to ‘Pick Your Plots’ and you will see them indicated
  • Can I buy plots after the start of a season? Subject to specific terms per club and per season
  • Can I buy the same plot next season? Yes, unless they have sold out when decide to purchase
  • When do plots go on sale for each season? Own the Pitch has a buy-in period of up to 16 weeks before the first match of play in any given season
  • Can I sell my plot? No
  • Can I buy a plot as a gift? Yes, but you may not transfer your account to another person and the person must be 18 or over and be resident in the UK
  • Can I transfer my plot to someone else after I’ve bought it? No
  • Can I own a plot exclusively? There are a maximum of 10 owners per £432 value plots and a maximum of 20 owners per all other plots.
  • Is there a discount if I buy lots of plots? No
  • Can I cancel at any time and get a refund? Refunds are not possible after purchase
  • Can my sports club or company buy some plots? The account must be held by a named individual, but could be on behalf of a club or company
  • Do charities get a discount? No, but we are open to approaches from bona fide charitable organisations
  • Can I buy plots at other clubs? Yes, but to a maximum value of £2000 per club
  • How is OTP protecting people from gambling addiction? We restrict purchase to £2000 and have a strict sales cut-off after which further purchases cannot be made. You may see our policy on ‘Responsible Gambling’ in our T&Cs. Go to GAMSTOP if you are concerned about yourself or someone you know.
  • Who do I go to if I am worried I or someone I know has a gambling addiction? You may see our policy on ‘Responsible Gambling’ in our T&Cs. Go to GAMSTOP for further help.
  • Does OTP have a gambling license? Yes, Ideas Projects Limited trading as Own The Pitch is licensed and regulated in Great Britain by the Gambling Commission under account number 61121
  • Is my data secure?  Yes, see our Privacy Policy

Winning events

  • How do I win?
    You win if any of our 5 key match events happen on your plot
  • What in-match events win rewards?
    First Goal, Goals, Free Kicks, Shots on target, Tackles
  • How will I know I have won?
    You will receive an email
  • How will I know which plots have won prizes?
    Go to our ‘Results’ page
  • How are the precise locations determined?
    Own the Pitch relies on official match event data reporting. Link to ‘Data Supply and Usage’ here
  • What happens if an event happens on the line between plots?
    The win is allocated to the plot below and to the right of the lines (mobile format)
  • Are the winnings shared between all owners of the same plot?
    No, every plot owner wins the prize, such as £500 for a First Goal
  • Can my plot win more than once in a match?
    Yes, on average there are 60 winning match events per match. These events can happen anywhere on the pitch
  • Who do I contact if I think an event has happened on my plot, but I have not been rewarded?
    Contact [email protected]
  • Is there a maximum amount I can win if multiple events happen on my plot?
    No, this is only limited by the number of events occurring during a match
  • Is there a maximum limit of event types/wins per match?
    No, but there are on average per match: 1 First Goal, 3 Goals, 9 Shots on target, 22 Free Kicks, 35 Tackles
  • When will I be notified of a win?
    Own the Pitch will finalise the results of each game as quickly as possible following the end of the game. Only once the results have been finalised will a customer be paid any winnings. Due to our reliance on third-party providers for data, this may take longer than you are used to with other betting providers.
  • How will I receive my pay out?
    By payment to the bank account provided to us at the point of account set up
  • Do I get rewarded if my plot never has a winning event happen on it?
    No, other than with the knowledge that you have helped support your club and local community
  • Do all winning events result in donations towards defibs?
  • Who do I ask if I have a query or concern?
    Contact us
  • Do you have a complaints procedure and how do I find it?
    See our  Complaints Policy

Defibs and locations

  • What is a defibrillator?
    Defibrillators are devices that send an electric pulse or shock to the heart to restore a normal heartbeat. Read more
  • Who decides where defibs will be located?
    The ambulance service local to your club
  • Can I choose where a defib is located if my plot has a winning event?
    No, but you may write to us and make a request – Contact us
  • Can I get a defib for my community?
    Yes, you may write to us and make a request Contact us
  • Who maintains the defibs?
    The recipient of the defib, with the assistance of the local ambulance service
  • Who should I contact to discuss receiving a free defib?
    Contact us

Own The Pitch

Our vision is to unite clubs and supporters and use the power of football to bring positive change to club communities.